Monday, December 3, 2012

Success Is The Best Revenge

Each and everyone one of us at some point in our lives will encounter some unavoidable negative people. We always fall short regardless of whatever we do in their eyes. I have come to realize that there is no point trying to please or explain because they count such as weaknesses or incompetence. The best way to silence your critics is to deliver results. Like water, success does not have any known enemies. Success is colorless and has no boundaries. People may not like you as a person but let the quality of your work be  your voice, by being the best at what you do. There are advantages having critics in our lives, though it never feels like that during the grind. Critics make us stronger and drive us to work harder.

For everyone who has ever told you that you are nothing, amount to nothing and to those who have under estimated and written you off, remember, your success is the best revenge.  Do not let other peoples perception of you become your reality. You and only you are the prophet over your life. Do not give up. You have what it takes.  You can do it. Usain Bolt, the fastest man on earth, was the first man to defend his win with an Olympic gold in 100 and 200M back to back. It had never been done before but he did it. You can be the first too on your own journey.

I'll like to hear about stories and experiences about how you dealt with the critics in your life.