Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pope Francis: Lessons for Beyonce

I like Beyonce as a person. She works very hard and has climbed the ladder of success. Recently, I heard the new sound track of Beyonce, where she told b____ to bow down to her. Some called it artistic expression and others are mad about it. I believe great leaders/role models should always be mindful of how their communication is been received by their audience. The word bow down is heavy and should not be taken casually. Healthy relationships are established when people respect and love each other, and that is not a one-way street. A lady should only bow to a man that is bowed himself. You cannot bow and let yourself be abused or taken advantage off. 

If we look at great influencers of our time, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Steve Jobs, John Maxwell, and Oprah, all these people have reached the pinnacles of their careers, but none of them have called their audience to bow down to them. Barak Obama, gets flack all the time and some people believe he was not born in America. He is not asking anyone to bow to him to assert his office. Pope Francis, leader of 1.3 billion Catholics worldwide, was seen washing the feet of prisoners. A leader’s mission is to lift up other people and not pull them down. The greatest hero of all time - Jesus, said, “ He who wants to be a leader amongst you must first be the servant.” Lions do not worry about the opinions of sheep but sheeps worry about the opinions of lions.  Beyonce has worked hard and deserves to succeed; I think she should focus more on empowering others.

Maybe I am reading to much into the lyrics, but words do matter.  Your words can make people bitter or better. I choose the latter.

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