Saturday, March 9, 2013

Life is not Mathematics

How many times have you and I felt some pain because we blew an opportunity? It is a fact that you may not get an opportunity to make a second impression, so that's why it is better to get it right the first time. Similarly, It is better to not have an opportunity but be prepared, than have one and not be prepared. When preparation and opportunity meet, success is born. According to Confucius, " Success depends on previous preparation and without such preparation, there is sure to be failure." You may have felt you missed the last bus at some point in your life, but do not worry, the bend of a road is not the end of a road. Life can be likened to the GPS technology, because any time we miss my exit, it always comes up with a rerouted plan.  It may take longer to get there than anticipated, but it is the end that justifies the means.

There is more than one route to your destination. Where there is a will there is a way. The world always makes room for a person who knows where they are going. The Wright brothers were told their dream of making a plane would fail, but they followed their heart. You are not too young or old to pursue your dreams. If you think you have missed the last bus, start walking towards your destination. If you dont always want to start afresh, then you have to stop giving up or making excuses.

Life is not mathematics. Situations will not always go as you have planned, but do not get discouraged from giving your best.  Your opportunity to be recognized for all your hard work will come in form of a problem that only you can solve.  The gap between reality and expectation is a painful one, but when your time comes, the pain will become insignificant. Life's opportunities are not dated and when your moment comes you must be prepared to walk through It. It takes only a moment in time to move from zero to hero. I hope you will be prepared when that happens.

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