Sunday, March 24, 2013

Celebrate Little Beginnings

Do not despise your days of little beginings, celebrate it.  Arnold Schwarzenegger started weight training at age 15 and at age 20, he won Mr Universe and from there, won Mr Olympia seven times.  Great people climb to the top, the journey is what makes their experiences special and they can pass their strategy to others. The problem comes when you and I compare ourselves to people who have succeeded and loose sight that they once struggled through the very things we are going through now. You don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great. Facebook did not start with a billion members, that number keeps on growing. They had no clue it would get that big, but they still tried their idea anyway.  The road to success is always under construction. Learn to celebrate your little successes because their collection is what brings a turning point in your life. The only thing you cannot do is what you have not tried to do.  What idea have you been afraid to give a chance?  Your idea may be the next big thing, but you will never know until you act on it . Start now!

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