Saturday, January 5, 2013

Me and My Big Mouth!

Do you feel stressed, depressed or anxious all the time? Have you tried every trick in the book but nothing seemed to work? Before you give in and accept it as your fate, there is one more thing you can try. It is called confessions. I know it sounds ridiculous. Have you noticed that any time you talk about some thing you are really excited about you feel the energy going through you? Similarly, when you are talking about negative experiences you feel sad because it seems like you are reliving the experience. Simply put, what we say with our mouths has an affect on our lives. Some people say their job is the most boring thing or their boss is the worst ever. Guess what? That is what happens. Your words have programmed the rest of your body to believe what you say. So, do I shut up and say nothing if that's what I am feeling? Not exactly. The answer lies in our thoughts. I am sure you remember the quote by Tao Tse, it  reads, "Watch your thoughts they become your words, watch your words they become actions, watch your actions they become your habits and watch your habits they become you". In summary, to control your words you need to take charge of your thoughts.

We live in an imperfect world and you can either choose to focus on all the bad in the world or  on the wonderful things. It is a choice you have to make. I agree there are situations or people who seem to be giants in our lives but for every battle, there is always victory ahead, if we have the right perspectives. You may not be able to stop negative thoughts flying over your head but you can stop them from building mountains of fear or depression. When that negative thought comes to your mind about yourself, job, boss, colleagues, partner etc, don't just shrug it off, choose to think a positive thought and say it. Examples include - "I feel great. It is going to be a great day. Things will workout for me". Once you win the battle in your mind, your tongue will follow.


  1. I am always so so happy reading your posts!! Very inspiring. well done bro. Your mum too would have been extremely proud of you.

  2. Thank you for your kind words and the encouragement! It is highly appreciated.
