Today we celebrate our fallen heroes who sacrificed their lives to give us a safer and better future. Like us, they had parents, dreams, children, spouses and so many unfulfilled dreams These brave men and women gave it all up and walked their talk. Our fallen heros fought to ensure that we enjoy the freedom we have today. They had a dream bigger than themselves and they lived it. I believe memorial day is a reminder to us that we will be remembered for the problems we help solve or the ones we create. Not everyone of us can or will join the army, but lets look around us, there are many wars that need to be won - poverty, HIV, cancer, autism, human trafficking, racism, discrimination, corruption, etc. Our fallen heros did not look at problems and leave it for others, they owned and tried to solve it. Their golden words were "sign me up". So, what cause are you passionate about? What are you going to do about it? You have waited long enough, why not make this memorial day memorable by "Signing up".
Happy memorial day everyone!