Saturday, May 18, 2013

How Bad Do You Want It?

I came across a story that captured my attention the other day. It was a story of Candice Glower, who recently became the Season 12 American Idol winner. Candice had auditioned for the show three times before finally winning the golden crown. I was amazed by her determination despite all the emotional roller coaster she had experienced in past seasons. I did some soul searching and wondered how many times I had taken a rejection to mean a period, rather than a comma. I asked myself what was the line between been hopeful and reaching for your dreams or being delusional and realistic. I do not have the answers to these questions but using Candice as a case study, we can see that Candice did not let the opinions of other people become her reality. Candice was a phenomenal singer, she was not a wannabe, her gift was evident. So in a room full of equal talents  with one prize money, who wins? The best singer - thats relative, the person with the total package - probably, the most determined - this was Candice story, she wanted it badly and couldn't imagine having it any other way.  

 Candice has shown that it takes more than talent and hard work to succede. We need the hammer of persistence to drive in the nails of success. The world always makes room for a person who knows where they are going. I submit to you that if you have the talent and want something bad enough, it will eventually happen. It may not happen the first time but just hang on.

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