Believe it or not, you are not looking at photographs, they are drawings. I will like to introduce to you my OPEL (Ordinary Person, Extraordinary Life) for the month. Meet Kelvin Okafor, a 27-year-old British Artist, born to Nigerian parents. Kelvin, like many of us, had mixed feelings of following his passion. He felt his parents would not support his passion considering numerous unrecognized talents in the world. He won their support and graduated from Fine Arts at Middlesex University in 2009. He uses only pencil and graphite for his drawings, which are often mistaken for pictures. Today, Kelvin's drawings cost about $16,000 a piece with a time average of 80 hours. Kelvin has won several awards and accolades and his work is currently being shown at the British Science Museum. His drawing of the late King of Jordan is being presented to Queen Noor of Jordan.
Looks great doesn't it? We have read about Kelvin Okafor, a fast rising star. If Kelvin never believed in his dream and pursued it, the world would have missed a great talent and probably he would have been second best doing another job. Kelvin refused to play it safe, instead he followed his passion. Like Kelvin, there is a seed of genius in you. Remember that talent or idea that was crushed or laughed at? Guess what? It's time to bring it back, no more excuses. Please don't tell me you are old and past your time. Susan Boyle came into limelight on the Britain's Got Talent Show at 47. Talents never gets old, excuses do. Time is of the essence, you are a gift to this generation. There is something in you that can make our world a better place. Just do it.