The only thing between you and your destiny is you. You can give excuses or results but not both. If your strategy is to wait for others to discover you, then you may have to wait for eternity. If you want something, go for it period. While it may be true that the patient dog gets the fattest bone, it is also true that the fastest bird gets the fattest worm. So you may need to be flexible and change strategy depending on your circumstance. Either way, you need to take action. Do not listen to the voices of people around you, who tell you it can't be done. Remove the word impossible from your dictionary and give it a try. The Wright brothers refused to listen to their critics, that their plans of making a commercial airline would fail. President JFK was determined to get people on the moon. You never know until you give it a try. If the fear of failure keeps you from giving your dreams a chance, then you may never smell the scent of victory if it did work. Just do it!
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