I was watching the news the other night, and there was a lot of media frenzy about the designer and dress Michelle Obama was going to wear for the President's inaugural dinner. Four years earlier, Michelle had defied the odds and chose a relatively unknown designer. Her action led to the birth of a new international designer, Jason Wu. Prior to his stardom, Jason was found of his pizza meals and the relative unknown corridors of the wannabes. Four years later, the First Lady of the United States, picked Jason Wu again. Jason was no longer a one hit wonder.
Okay, i get it. You are not interested in what Michelle Obama wore, but lets take a deeper look at her decision. Michelle chose to do what made her happy, rather than do what was expected of her. She knew the big name designers were once unknowns themselves. What made them great was because someone took a chance on them. Michelle's pick of Jason Wu did not make him an International designer, but it recognized him as one. Her pick was a great recognition of all his hard work and dedication for all his unknown years. Jason Wu was a star in waiting.
It can be frustrating when you have worked hard and it seems there is no return on your investments. Jason Wu knew better than to give up during such times. He knew the back stage was for preparation, and his future success was going to be determined by what he had done during those times. Jason gave everything he had to follow his dream and when the opportunity to get on stage came, he was ready. Like Jason, your time will come. When that time comes, the joy will be greater than all the years of sweat and pain. You are a star in waiting. Keep keeping on, you will make it.
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