I heard a true-life story about John. He had to be moved to a special class in school because he was labeled as slow. John recalled that his friends called him names like stupid, idiot, and slow during break times. Fortunately, about two weeks later, it was discovered that John had an eye problem and not a learning disorder. John got his thick glasses, and he was back in his old class. One would assume that things went back to normal for John, but he said his vision had been fixed, but not his heart. All the negative labels had taken a hold of him. John said though he was now a grown man with kids, he still felt slow a times and out of place. John's story illustrates first hand, how the power of wearing the wrong labels can impact our professional and personal lives.
Like John, everyone one of us has been labelled at some point in our lives. The impact labels have on us, depend on how we are able to respond and deal with our accusers. The truth is, we cannot stop people from labeling us, but we can control the effect it has on our lives. People might have called you stupid, fat, ugly, dumb, unworthy, trash, useless, etc, but the important thing is how you see yourself. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. It is time to take back the power you have given your labelers, by living the life you were born to live. No one has the final authority over your life but you. It is not wise to make someone else's opinion your facts. Do you know that you are smart, bright, funny, cool, beautiful, adorable, worthy, valuable, problem solver, a gift, a great friend and wonderful manager. Before you get carried away, there is one thing you have to do. In order to wear your new labels, you have to take off the old ones. How do you do that? You have to forgive your ignorant labelers, and release them in your mind. You have to forgive yourself and be prepared for a fresh start. Start seeing yourself in a new light by saying the right things about yourself (see me and my big mouth). Never call yourself awkward, dumb, fat, or all those negative things. You are not all that, you are more than that. You are a gift to this world and your existence is proof that you have something to offer. Say it, believe it and live it.
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