Today the world population is over 7 billion people and counting. Our ability to reproduce after our kind has kept the human population growing, and prevented it from extinction. In essence, reproduction is what ensures growth and longevity. Similarly, it is crucial that leaders reproduce other leaders to ensure the continuity of their organizations. A wise man once said,"You can teach people what you know, but you can only reproduce who you are." The primary goal of leadership is not to have followers, but breed other leaders. Great leaders should never be content with having yes people around them, but they should surround themselves with people better than themselves.
According to John Maxwell, a leader without a successor is a failure. If you are doing great things in your organization and there is no one to continue your legacy, then what was the point of starting them in the first place? A leader's trophy is multiplying other leaders because that's what ensures a better future for the organization. Insecure leaders are often frightened, and look for ways to pull down their rising stars. Great leaders birth other leaders through coaching, mentoring, training and giving them opportunities, which sets them up for success. Insecure leaders on the other hand, keep growing followers. Take a look at any established home, organization or business, and you will find it has great leadership with a solid succession strategy.
Are you a pregnant leader? Will your organization, team or business, survive and thrive after you are gone? Who are you grooming, mentoring or training? Until what you know can be duplicated in someone else, you don't have a mastery of it yet. It is never too late, start today.
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