Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tough Times Never Last

 “Tough Times Never Last Tough People Do”, a famous quote and book by Robert Schuller. The truth is, tough times would come to all of us, but what makes the difference is how we handle them. The  toughest time in my life was when my mum died. Those were challenging times and I had to mature quickly because of the responsibilities I assumed. What made my journey easier was the love I received from family, close friends and my local church. I couldn't have imagined what my experience would have been like without their support. Please you don't have to handle tough times all by yourself. Find people who love  and believe in you or seek counsellors for help. Many  people become discouraged and eventually get depressed, while others use tough times as stepping stones to greater things in their lives.  Contrary to western culture, asking for help is an attribute of the strong and not the weak.

 No one enjoys going through difficult situations but looking back at my experiences, I have realized that my toughest times were the ones that developed and helped me become a better person. Tough times measure your strength and it reveals who you truly are.  I must admit, it is difficult to see the gain in pain during these times, but tough times will develop your backbone.  The problems you encounter today will be someones solution tomorrow. That difficult subject,  job, assignment, colleague or manager you would rather avoid, is actually preparing you for your future career and handling people with difficult personalities on your leadership journey. Diamond is birth when extensive pressure is applied to carbon. Similarly, your tough times can make you better or bitter, your perspective is what makes that call.

In the words of Robert Schuller, "Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do.". What doesn't break you makes you stronger. You can handle this.

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