I was drawn into the Super Bowl when the lights went out for about 35 minutes and the game momentum changed. The scores were initially 28 - 6, with the Ravens having the upper hand. I was particularly interested because success in life is dependent on how well we are prepared for unforeseen circumstances. I was curious to know how the blackout was going to affect both teams. We get insurance, practice fire and earthquake drills to prepare us for the undated exams of life. I thought a well prepared team should be ready, regardless of any surprises the stadium might have. It was evident that the blackout affected the momentum of the Ravens, but not enough to rob them of their championship. The 49'ers were hard pressed to the floor and couldn't go any lower, so they took the blackout opportunity to bounce back.
If there is a take home message for that game, it is this - even the best of plans can go awry, but what will make or break you is how well you have prepared for the unexpected. How prepared are you for the unexpected? Do you know that your computer can crash without warning? What will give you some relief is if you backed up your data (DropBox). I am not admonishing us to become paranoid about everything, but to incorporate potential scenario solutions to your plans should something go wrong. Can you imagine what would happen to your organization if the only person that can make a change on an issue suddenly left? Be a step ahead of the game by having ready solutions when life happens.
On the flip side, the 49'ers earned my maximum respect. They refused to be defeated in their mind and they lost the game fighting. They used the blackout as an opportunity to get it right again. What blackouts are you using as crutches not to achieve greater? Achievers use stumbling blocks as stepping stones. That is exactly what the 49'ers did, though they did not win the Super Bowl, but they will be remembered as the comeback team.
What blackouts have you had and how did you overcome them?
What blackouts have you had and how did you overcome them?
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