Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Whatever You Take for Granted Becomes Grounded

Whatever you take for granted becomes grounded. I am sure everyone has heard the phrase, “You don’t appreciate something until it is gone.” I have decided that is not the motto I want to follow for my life. Thinking back, some situations would have been better handled if I had let some people know how much I valued them and their contribution to my life.
Whatever you appreciate increases in value, and whatever you neglect depreciates. The end result of depreciation is a loss of valuable connection and relationship. Hammerstein says it best: “A song is not a song until you sing it.” Likewise, love is not love until you give it away. It is important you realize that the people in your life are not mind readers. It is not okay to only appreciate people in your mind; you need to let them know how much you care and not assume they know how you feel.
Assumptions kill relationships. Speak out, and show you care.

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