Many times kindest words are the mean words left unsaid. I am sure it does not come as a surprise that many of us tend to remember the ugly words people have spoken to us and forget all the good ones. Words are powerful though they are like eggs, once broken it cannot be put back together. It is better not to say anything in anger. Many people have lost significant relationships just because they spoke in the heat of the moment. Another extreme is not saying anything and bottling your emotions in. This is not healthy and will eventually lead to a break down in communication. If you are angry, take a walk, go the gym, change environment and think things through before communicating. If you have a tendency to bottle things up, speak up during good times and not while angry. Many people take the route of speaking with a third party, but this can also do more harm than good, if you do not eventually express yourself to the concerned party.
Your words can make or break, so speak responsibly.