Tuesday, December 31, 2013

HappY New Year!

Thank you for all your support and encouragement! I'll keep doing my best to keep you updated with messages and stories that will bring about a turning point in your 2014 Journey. Watch out for 2014, it is going to be better than ever! I wish you a prosperous year and may all your dreams come true.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Why You Should Stop Recycling in 2014


I recently moved to Oregon from California and as many would imagine, the weather was a big concern moving here. Few weeks in, I am actually enjoying the Portlandia experience. I had absorbed a lot of sunshine from California that will keep me going for a while. As a former graduate student in California, we had to manage the resources we had but moving into a new place necessitated we get a few things we could afford, one of which was a sofa. I was attached to the old one but we did not have much room to keep it, so we eventually donated it ( a form of recycling). My sofa had found a new home. Recycling can be beautiful because it ensures sustainability, conserves resources and eliminates waste. This is great when we think of natural resources, products or material items. Recycling on another note has prevented a lot of people from enjoying the new because they keep recycling old hurts, negative experiences and grudges in their minds. The problem with this is that it leads to emotional congestion.  These results in lack of productivity with symptoms such as frustration, depression, low self-worth and esteem, pessimism, and the whole nine yards. Just like I had to let go of my old sofa to create room for the new, we need to bring closure to the wounds we have been recycling for a very long time. It’s time to let it go if we want to enjoy the new. Not the basement or any other storage place, let it go.

If you’ve ever put in batteries into a remote control or any gadget, the manufacturers often advice not to mix old batteries with new ones in order to get optimum performance. Similarly, harboring the past contaminates the future. For example, imagine seeing a dead fly in your glass of water. You don’t recycle it, you eliminate it.  If you truly want to have a new year and not take any excess baggage with you from the past, then you have to have look within and ask yourself, “What do I have to stop recycling in my life? What are the things I need to have closure on? Who are the people I need to forgive or give a second chance. Who are the people in my life I have to say goodbye to? I know you may have attachments to the past because you have worked so hard and invested a ton, but you never know what you may be missing until the new arrives. I hope you stop recycling the past in 2014 and start the New Year with fresh rigor and expectation.

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Number One Thing You Must Never Give Away

I am sure you are wondering what the number one  thing you must never give away is. I'll go straight to the point. Self esteem/confidence/worth is the number one thing you must never give away. For example, if the only time you ever feel good about yourself is when someone pays you a compliment then you have let other person determine how you feel and how your day will go. You do not need anyone's permission to be yourself. You are destined for great things. You are a star and the number one thing that stars do is shine! No one can make you feel inferior without your permission. The way you see yourself comes largely from your identity. The good news is that identities are never written in ink. The day you discover that is the day you become free. Do not let your past experiences or background be a set back for you, rather let it set you up for bigger and better things. President Mandela did not let what other people's opinion of him crush his dream of seeing a free and united South Africa.  

What's your foundation? The strength of a building is dependent on its foundation. If the foundation is weak, the house will not stand when the storm comes. Where do you derive your identity from? Remember beauty will fade, a good degree or family name does not solve all life's problems. There are three things that will last forever; Faith, Hope & Love. The greatest of these is love. Mandela fought for it and he will forever be remembered.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

What to let go Before 2014

      Driving and looking through the rear mirror will only result in anyone having an accident. You can't dream of a better future clinging to the past. So, it is imperative to let go of anything that maybe holding you back. A 100 m  sprint athlete or swimmer understands the importance of eliminating unnecessary weights in order to achieve optimum performance. Similarly, if we want to achieve our life's best, we need to get rid of any weights that easily entangles us. In life everyones journey is different but the following are weights that easily slow us down and prevent us from becoming our best:
Hurts & Bitterness - Except you exit the planet, people will hurt you, especially the ones you love the most. offenses are inevitable but carrying them is a choice. Holding grudges only keeps you within a cell while the offender roams free. You can choose to do something about it. Forgive and let go. Do not spend endless time talking about those painful issues, you only set yourself up to relive the negative experiences. Rather,  talk about your expectations.
Toxic Relationships -   It is important to periodically scan the relationships in your life. Some people in your life are like heavy weights that retard your progress. There is no point keeping them on, let them go. ( I am assuming you've had a chat with this people in your life but seems they are finding it impossible to change their spots).
Closet: Time to wander through your closet and give out clothes or any other items that you have not worn in a year.
Procrastination -  Do your words have any meaning or value to them? Do you say what you mean and mean what you say? let go of any lazy habits that prevent from keeping your most priced possession ( your words)
Weight - Health is wealth. Put on your running or dancing shoes and do some exercise. You will be amazed how refreshed you feel and this would inevitably turn on your creative side.
Pride: Pride is like baggage drop it. If you need help ask for it. Someone has the solution to your questions and vice versa. There is no need to reinvent the wheel.