If you think you can keep hurts within you and live a perfectly happy and healthy life, then you may need to think again. Hurts are like cancer that eventually eat into the fabric of every area of our lives. It often starts as something small but it eventually grows to become an elephant and it controls you. So letting go of hurts is actually doing yourself a favor.
Too many times many of us end up complaining about how things could have been if x or y had happened. There is nothing we can do about the past so lets get over it. How you ask? Take responsibility for your happiness, learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself and any other person who may be involved and then move on. Give yourself a gift by choosing to rewrite the future. Let today be a turning point and mark a new beginning in your life. No more excuses, complains or justifications. Decide that the rest of your life is going to be the best of your life. Thats a decision only you can make and it is worth making.